Sunday, October 12, 2008

The economy and your fitness

The Economy and your Fitness;
How could I write about fitness this month and not mention the economy? The sky isn’t falling but damn, it sure is raining hard! During hard times the first thing people let go of are the frills. My question to you is; do you consider your mental and physical well being a frill? Exercise should be part of your everyday life. I liken fitness to brushing your teeth. We must incorporate some sort of physical activity in our daily lives.

So let’s look at how we can manage our money effectively ~ and not let it manage us. First of all if you have a gym membership make sure you go! Pay for things that you use…not things that you should use! If you are not using your membership put it on hold and do some fitness shopping. Many gyms and fitness facilities will allow you a day pass for free. Take advantage of this. Buy a bike, skis, take dance lessons; put your money to work for you!

Are you a cave dweller or a pack animal? We are all different, some like to workout independently and have the drive to motivate themselves, others need a group to get them fired up. Find out what type you are and find a program that is effective and your “style” of fitness. I see so many people on treadmills…alone and miserable, take the chance and walk into a Zumba class or power yoga, you may surprise yourself.

Beware of the Trainer that fosters dependency. I strongly believe that as a trainer our job is to teach you how to train yourself. We are certified in our field to show you safe effective workouts to help you reach your goal. You don’t need to pay someone 3 times a week to count for you…or be your friend. I see so many people become dependant on their trainer to “get them fit” when really it is all about you. Your trainer should be available to answer questions, tweak your program and listen to you…without charging you. I am sure this sounds like I am shooting myself in the foot, but I truly believe the results and strength comes from the client, we are just the messengers.

Change it up! I know you are tired of hearing this but doing the same thing day in and day out gives you the same results. If you run on a treadmill for 3 miles every day your body will consider that “normal” for you and you will maintain your current fitness level. If you want change (in your body)…you have to initiate change (in your program). People don’t understand why I would bother changing my muscle conditioning workouts and step choreography every week. I do this so your body is challenged in a different way ~ every 7 days. If we did the same movements it would take 2 short weeks for your body to adapt, not to mention the injury factor of repetitive muscle actions.

You want Change? This seems to be the direction everyone is going. If you want change, first you need to reflect and decide what isn’t working for you. At the end of the day, no matter what happens, we are left with the bodies that God gave us. We need to live well, not ignore our physical, mental or spiritual wellbeing. The change is within you, it is within all of us…we just have to want it bad enough.

Are you ready?