Saturday, September 17, 2011


I was asked this question just the other day and thought this would be a good forum to reintroduce myself and the program that I have designed.
I am 51 years old, I have been married for 32 years I have 3 grown children and became a Grandma last July with #2 coming in 4 weeks. I have learned (in the 20+ years in the fitness industry) that age is just a number and fitness is for life.

Bodies can change but our mind set does not have to. I feel as a trainer we should challenge ourselves in all aspects of fitness so we may better prepare ourselves for the obstacles that life hands us. "F.I.T." is a acronym for "Fitness through Integral Training" and the "Club" represents the group effort, motivation and camaraderie that I draw out of my clients.

I write a full body workout that changes weekly, focusing on a specific body part for that particular week. Every week we will challenge our bodies using all the components of fitness; cardio, muscle strength, muscle endurance, flexibility and body fat reduction.

I make it my job to get to know each of my clients; what injuries they may have, what motivates them, where to push, when to high 5 or just give a bear hug.

The one amazing thing I have learned through all these years is, you may not remember the exercises we did or who was in the room, but you will remember how you felt walking out when you completed the challenge of the day. The overwhelming feeling of accomplishment and renewed sense of confidence in your ability, new found potential and possibilities within you.

Have you been able to have that feeling lately?